Digital Skills, Accommodation and Technological Assistance for Employment: Supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the open labour market
The European Disability Forum, together with the support of published a report highlighting the persistent employment gap between persons with and without disabilities across the EU, which remains stark at 24 percentage points. Women and young individuals with disabilities face even greater disparities, underscoring the urgent need for structural changes. The study delves into the root causes of these inequities, including limited access to assistive technologies, insufficient awareness about reasonable accommodation, and the critical role of digital skills development.
The challenges
Despite existing legal frameworks, the report reveals that practical implementation of reasonable accommodation is lacking. Employers often struggle with awareness, financial constraints, and societal biases, leaving many persons with disabilities marginalised from the outset. Recruitment processes are especially challenging, with only 25% of surveyed employers having internal HR policies for hiring persons with disabilities. Most rely on informal guidelines, resulting in inaccessible and ineffective hiring practices.
Furthermore, the report shows that only 1 in 4 employers engage in programmes aimed at improving employment inclusion for persons with disabilities. Countries like Spain and the UK lead with higher participation rates, but the broader landscape reveals inadequate support frameworks across the EU. Access to assistive technologies remains a significant hurdle, with 81% of employers lacking policies to provide them and 75% unaware of their usage by employees.
To address these challenges, the report emphasises fostering digital skills through formal education, apprenticeships, and workplace training. It calls for increased investment in accessible technologies, backed by public funding and streamlined access to state aid. Achieving equal opportunities in the labour market requires a collaborative approach, involving policymakers, employers, and persons with disabilities. The recommendations serve as a roadmap for creating a more inclusive workforce, where barriers to employment are systematically dismantled.