This study examines the digital and AI skill disparities between small and large European communities, focusing on challenges and opportunities for growth in an AI-enabled economy using data from 4,006 respondents across eight EU countries.
This section offers a variety of publications, reports, studies, and data on digital skills and digitalisation. Find skills intelligence from throughout Europe to boost your knowledge, enhance your research activities, and understand the drivers behind the digital transformation.
- The OECD analyses the intersection of competition and data privacy, highlighting the need for regulatory cooperation and balanced approaches to manage digital market challenges.
- This study examines effective workforce upskilling strategies for the IT sector to prepare professionals for rapid technological advancements through a systematic literature review and content analysis.
- This paper explores a case study about digital transformation in an incumbent organisation and the role that the digitally-advanced employees play in it
- This study analyses the answers of managers from Italy and Austria to understand how digital transformation will impact their role.
- This study reviewed the existing literature about the relationship between technology, games, user experience, accessibility, and the education and skill development of people with ASD.
- The AI Skills Strategy for Europe explores the urgency for a sectoral skills strategy on AI, touching upon the transformative impact of AI on various sectors, the ethical considerations it raises, the challenges posed and the skills mismatch between needs and offering.