This paper examines the digital skills needed in modern digital societies, specifically for managing digital currencies, using the EU's DigComp framework to assess skills like information management, security, communication, and problem-solving.
This section offers a variety of publications, reports, studies, and data on digital skills and digitalisation. Find skills intelligence from throughout Europe to boost your knowledge, enhance your research activities, and understand the drivers behind the digital transformation.
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- The European Disability Forum, together with the support of published a report highlighting the persistent employment gap between persons with and without disabilities across the EU, which remains stark at 24 percentage points. Women and...
- The Digtial Skills Toolkit by the ITU provides guidance and useful resources to policymakers and stakeholders to develop efficient national digital skills strategies for countries at various stages of digital development.
- The OECD analyses the intersection of competition and data privacy, highlighting the need for regulatory cooperation and balanced approaches to manage digital market challenges.
- This study examines effective workforce upskilling strategies for the IT sector to prepare professionals for rapid technological advancements through a systematic literature review and content analysis.
- This study reviewed the existing literature about the relationship between technology, games, user experience, accessibility, and the education and skill development of people with ASD.
- The AI Skills Strategy for Europe explores the urgency for a sectoral skills strategy on AI, touching upon the transformative impact of AI on various sectors, the ethical considerations it raises, the challenges posed and the skills mismatch between needs and offering.
- The Future of Jobs Report 2023 offers insights into the transformations that have and continue to reconfigure the world’s labour markets and shape the demand for jobs and skills of tomorrow.
- Finland has had one of the top performing education systems for more than two decades. Its innovation performance rests on a high trust model of business innovation and quality public services funded through the public purse in areas such as education, research and social welfare.
- UNESCO has published the book titled "Guidelines for ICT in education policies and masterplans". The publication aims to guide policy-makers to ensure that when adopting technology, human rights should be defended.