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EU faces growing cybersecurity skills gap, new Eurobarometer reveals

A new Eurobarometer survey reveals a critical shortage of cybersecurity skills in the EU, highlighting the need for more specialists and increased cybersecurity awareness among employees. In response, the European Commission is intensifying efforts through initiatives like the Cybersecurity Skills Academy to address this gap and enhance the region's cyber resilience.

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Savvina Papadaki, Digital Policy Manager at Samsung. DSJP - 2023.

"Women are more curious and tend to change career paths more easily. They are constantly developing and advancing".

Savvina Papadaki
Senior Digital Policy Manager, Samsung
Iulia Calaras, Technical Lead for Tremend, Romania

"There are more women in the tech sector than before. I have many female colleagues that lead and coach too."

Iulia Calaras
Technical Lead for Publicis Sapient, Romania

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