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Good Practices

DUO for a JOB is a non-profit association, which gets together young jobseekers from a migrant background with experienced local workers. The program first kicked off in Brussels in 2013 as the first Social Impact Bond in continental Europe and has since branched out: by 2023, DUO for a JOB counted a total of 17 branches in 13 cities in Belgium, 3 cities in France, and 1 in the Netherlands. The program is co-financed by the European Union, while the Social Impact Bond provided the needed starting funding from both public and private investors - a move that allowed DUO for a JOB to grow into a large social enterprise with a good outreach and proven impact. 

About this initiative 

Mentorship is embedded within the program's very design: DUO for a JOB organises intergenerational and intercultural mentoring sessions to help both youngsters and older people. In this way, the program supports young jobseekers, facilitating their access to the labour market; and capitalises on the value of the experience of those over the age of 50. 

By encouraging knowledge-sharing on the part of mentors, the program helps mentees develop fundamental work skills and autonomy, enabling them to progress further and identify additional professional goals. This "duo" is only possible if the exchange of expertise is based on permanent and reciprocal trust. Once paired, the respective duos meet for 2 hours per week over the course of 6 months. 

Why is this a good practice? 

Formal assessment, conducted 3 years after the program's start by the Brussels Employment Observatory demonstrated the impact of the initiative on bridging the digital divide. More than 300 young people from a migrant background, who took part in the pilot phase of the program, were compared to a control group of 4.000 jobseekers from similar demographics and profile registered at the Brussels Employment Office Actiris as jobseekers. 

Participants in the program had a much higher employment rate (around 28%). Close to half of DUO for a JOB mentees has a stable job 6 months after completing the program (2 times better than the control group). DUO for a JOB reports from 2022 show that since 2013 impact has grown massively: 7 out of 10 mentees found a job, internship, or went into further education, within the first year of graduating. Half of participants found a stable job track within the first year. Overall, reports demonstrate participants' confidence and autonomy has increased. 

The success of the initiative has several layers. First, success rates help demonstrate its relevance and adherence to the objectives of the EU Digital Decade and other social initiatives directed at leaving no one behind (EU Social Agenda, Digital Education Action Plan). The growth is also evident in the ability of the program to cross borders: having started first in Belgium, today DUO for a JOB is operational in both France and the Netherlands, with ambitions to grow further. Another element that supports its impact is evident in the program's goal of supporting marginalised communities and improving access to the job market for all. 

Find more on the official website of the program. 

Good practice details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Personal skills and development
Work skills
Environment not elsewhere classified
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Type of funding