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This section offers an overview of resources to those interested in branching out to a new career in digital and improving their skills with the aim of securing employment. It will also help those curious about what their next career move can be. Here, you can find information on digital trends, self-assessment tools and jobs repositories throughout Europe, to help you define your career path, assess your skills, and understand the different opportunities to upskill.

Digital Trends: What will be the jobs of the future?

Digital technology is all around us – used in a wide range of sectors, from farming and transport to education and healthcare. With the digitalisation of businesses and the wide spread of advanced technologies, new forward-looking professions and jobs emerge and bring about the need for digital skills and competence for all.

In addition, the demand for information and communication technology (ICT) specialists is growing fast, and predictions show that 9 out of 10 jobs in the future will require digital skills. Take a look at the reports, forecasts and analytics below to find the latest trends in digital technology and try to imagine what the jobs of the future may look like.

1. The Report on the State of the Digital Decade - A comprehensive assessment which takes stock of the EU's progress towards a successful digital transformation, setting a strategic roadmap for the next decade.

2. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) - A composite index, which summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU Member States when it comes to digital competitiveness.

3. The future of work? Work of the future! | Shaping Europe’s digital future ( - An in-depth study on the impact of technological developments in Artificial Intelligence and robotics on the world of work.

4. Cedefop Skills Panorama Country Reports - Country-specific reports and forecasts on skills across EU Member States, brought by Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.

  • Automation risk for occupations | Skills Panorama ( - As a part of its Digitalisation and future of work project, Cedefop estimates the risks of automation for occupations. The index calculates the share of people working in different occupations whose jobs may be impacted by automation and at the same time they lack access to appropriate training.
  • Cedefop - European Skills Index - An composite indicator, which measures the performance of EU skills systems and takes stock of the state-of-play on digital and other skills relevant for employment on an yearly basis.
  • Cedefop - Skills in Online Job Advertisements Dashboard - A database with insights on the skills required by employers across 28 European countries, with more than 100 million online job ads analysed between 2018 and 2020.  

5. International Labour Organisation (ILO) ILOSTAT Database of labour statistics
The world’s leading source of labour statistics, created by the International Labour Organisation to support the development of policies and frameworks central to employment trends.

Assess your skills and find resources to build your CV

Self-assessment tools and other resources allow to understand our strong and weak points and offer personalised reports, which you can use to build further and chart a future-oriented path to a new career in technology. At the same, other resources can help you prepare your CV and describe your skills and knowledge, using a language all employers will understand.

1. Digital Skills Accelerator (online self-assessment tool) - An online tool, aligned with the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp), which compares users’ results to the ones of their peers and offers tailored training opportunities based on each individual result.  

2. Europass CV Builder - This tool offers an easy way to create your CV online in a format, recognised by employers throughout Europe, for job, education, work experience, or volunteering opportunities.

Find career support and jobs opportunities in Europe

The resources below can help you orient yourself, find career support and guidance, and discover the different opportunities to help you on this journey. You can also find relevant information on what type of support is available and find more information on working in another EU Member State, or abroad.

Digital skills and competencies can be acquired in many ways: from higher education programmes to vocational education and training, to initiatives supporting researchers’ mobility and working and living in another Member State in Europe.

1. Eurodesk - Eurodesk works with over 1600 youth information points in 36 countries that inform young people about mobility opportunities and encourage them to become active citizens.

2. Euroguidance Network - A European network of national resource and information centres for guidance in 34 European countries, targeting practitioners in the education sector and training providers.

3. EURES - A European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers.

4.. EURAXESS Jobs Database - A pan-European initiative, which supports researcher mobility and career development, whilst enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.