Project: IoT-lab for SMEs – Sweden
The Internet and Things (IoT) are the phenomenon that is expected to grow and affect even more industries in the future. At the University of Linné, a project has been under way since 2021 with the aim of raising awareness of the potential of IoT among SMEs.
The Internet of Things (IoT) means that several devices are connected to the Internet. It is already a well-established concept and its existence is visible everywhere in society. In practice, this means that physical products are connected to the Internet and share data with each other in real time. IoT is expected to become one of the technologies of the future that will grow increasingly and spread to more sectors. It is in this context that the project at the University of Linné started. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the potential of IOT among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Approach of the project
As part of the project, SMEs in the university region have been given the opportunity to participate. The participating companies have been offered a wide range of activities:
1. Inspiration
The project has organised various activities aimed at inspiring and informing companies about the opportunities offered by IoT. In addition, good examples have been presented of what has already been done in this area.
2. Upskilling activities
The project has provided a wide range of skills-enhancing activities:
- In-depth lectures and seminars
The interest in wanting to know more and gain in-depth knowledge without having to go a full course has emerged in dialogue with SMEs. The project has therefore offered lectures and workshops such as IoT hardware, commercialisation, ecosystems and business models, and how best to use collected data.
- Workshops
Learning new technologies is often about testing and testing different tools and equipment. The project has therefore offered half-days on a continuous basis, where companies were given the opportunity to learn the foundations and to test themselves. The aim is to improve understanding and to allow participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the opportunities offered by IoT.
- Open Lab Days
Sitting and lab and testing ideas together is both instructive and exciting for all involved. This is why the project has tested the concept of “Open Lab Days”. This means that labbets at the University of Linné in Kalmar have been opened up to SMEs. The participants have come to the lab, have included their ideas or problem formulations and, together with researchers and students, have developed them further. Comparing the “Open Lab Days” with the above-mentioned workshops, the workshops are more informal and businesses work more closely together with researchers and teachers.
3. Testing and developing SME ideas
Companies and project members have jointly explored potential IoT solutions and put forward concrete proposals.
IoT Lab project
The project has matched SMEs with students, researchers or IoT line engineers. Together, the companies’ potential IoT solutions to advance the company’s business have been examined. Potential ideas have been jointly explored and concrete proposals developed. The project homepage provides information on all the pilot cases that the project has been working on.
The project has worked on the following pilot case:
- Stens chark AB, Åseda: Firms producing charcuturier products. The project has concerned how to measure temperatures and humidity in production using IoT sensors, thus optimising and providing evidence to make favourable decisions.
- Honestbox AB, Ljungby: Unmanned shops. The project has concerned the development of hardware, the testing of different solutions for software updates and the ability to have resilient connections operating across different communication protocols.
- Flowbic AB, Kalmar: Companies involved in web development. During the project, the company has been supported in the development of hardware, sensor selection and network technology. It has also involved cooperation with biologists at Linné University who need measurement of a natural area outside Kalmar, Kalmar Dämme.
- Svenska Våg AB, Växjö: Undertaking active in weighing and measuring, The project involved both supporting the company to develop and checking existing wave systems on the internet.
- PM Lake Vänner, Växjö: Restaurant.The project has focused on measuring food waste and developing a process for connected and digitalised measurement.
- Aquateq AB, Kalmar: Companies producing spray nozzles. The project has focused on exploring the possibilities of producing a connected nozzle, i.e. nozzle. The dysan shall be able to send aggregated data on pressure and flow.