IT Fitness Test 2024 - the largest free online digital skills assessment for the V4 countries and Ukraine
About IT Fitness Test
The biggest and most comprehensive way to test the digital skills of primary and secondary school students and teachers in Central Europe – this is IT Fitness Test.
IT Fitness Test was first organised in Slovakia in 2010 as part of e-Skills week organised by the European Commission. Over the past twelve editions, nearly 550,000 respondents used the test to verifiy their level of digital skills. Since 2022, the project has received broad support in the Visegrad countries not only from the public sector, but also from the most important ICT stakeholders in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Additionally, since 2023, we also offer the possibility to take the test in Ukrainian language. English version of the test is also available. During the last year, IT Fitness Test was completed by almost 150,000 participants.
IT Fitness Test validates skills and competences, not theoretical knowledge taught at schools within educational curricula. The test focuses on practical skills and competences in the following areas in accordance with DigComp framework:
Security and Computer Systems
Complex Tasks
Office Tools
Social Media and Collaborative Tools
Respondents can use all tools available – Internet, search engines, smartphones etc.
The test is available for registered users on the website in 2 versions:
Elementary schools (20 questions) - for students in last 2 grades of elementary schools and fresh graduates with the aim to verify their preparedness for high school studies
High schools and universities (25 questions) - for students in high schools and universities with the aim to verify their preparedness for further studies and labour market. Thus test is also suitable for teachers and public.
IT Fitness Test not only provides the opportunity to test the level of skills, but also provides access to various relevant resources and tools for further development and education.

Our pledge
13th edition of IT Fitness Test will start mid-April 2024 and certification period will last until 31 October 2024. During this period, all respondents receive and official certificate with the result and a written commentary summarising their level of skills.
Our pledge is to involve at least 150,000 participants in the testing in 2024. The test will again be available in 6 languages (all V4 countries, English and Ukrainian).
IT Fitness Test is a quality brand – as the only international test of digital skills in Central Europe it was awarded by the European Commission under the pan-European eSkills initiative in 2014. The project also received the award from DigitalEurope in 2018 and in 2022 it also received the status of a strategic project supported by the International Visegrad Fund.