Life long learning for edification of advanced digital skills
Our pledge
We seek to educate different society groups (pupils, students, graduates, different sector employees, teachers and professors, elder persons) on various topics, dedicated to upskilling in the area of advanced digital skills. We aim to provide a formal higher education, master and PhD studies as well as share the general society relevant knowledge and provide dedicated training.
Our initiatives
Admitting the need for society and industry to keep up with the new technologies, we free of charge provide dedicated training in different areas including but not limited to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data analytics. Every group, which feels the demand for upskilling in advanced digital skills can contact us and explain their needs for training and the possible impact of it. At least one initiative every month during the study year is selected based on the balance between the scope of audience and training impact.

To amplify the need of the younger generation to believe in technologies and innovations, higher attention to pupils is dedicated. The website is developed to announce the possible training opportunities for pupils and their teachers. The data for request submission is provided there as well. While this system is dedicated to Lithuanian schools, non-Lithuanian-speaking institutions are invited to contact VILNIUS TECH directly and express their desire for training, seminars, and other collaboration in the path of upskilling and engagement in gaining new advanced digital skills.
We are open to joining some existing initiatives and contributing by sharing our knowledge, providing learning material, and training courses.
Without our openness to training provision, we organize dedicated events too. The events varies in type and date, while all relevant information and invitations to it are published at the website and VILNIUS TECH social networks.