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This report outlines the state-of-the-art of the ICT digital market in Italy in 2021 and predicts the trends of innovation within the sector, defining challenges and obstacles to the Country´s economic recovery, which is highly dependent on the level of digitalization reached by businesses. 

Whereas 2021 has seen a peak increase in the purchase of digital services aimed at keeping the remote working conditions up and running, 2022 will see an increase in digital marketing strategies and market place services, for the businesses to reach out to an international pool of customers and create additional value to the product.

As a consequence, an urgent need of digital skills is required for the italian workforce, making it the ultimate challenge for the country. The report presents also the main changes in the working dynamics and the future work models that will become predominant in the short term (automation, digital customer relations, cybersecurity, AI, ...)

The report is available in italian. 


Skills intelligence publication details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Management and administration
Work skills
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Publication type