Know Thy AI: Assessing the risks of Artificial Intelligence - The Technofile podcast
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched the OECD Framework for the classification of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to assess the impact of AI on innovation, productivity and skills as well as its impact on human rights, privacy, wellbeing, the environment, democracy, health, and job quality. However, AI can also have negative impacts and may reinforce racial and gender bias and can be used for misinformation, propaganda, identity theft, surveillance, spyware, automated weaponry, and other high risks. This podcast seeks to answer the question of what steps need to be taken to keep these risks in check.
This OECD podcast, the Technofile, offers listeners an informative experience on the topic of AI from experts within the OECD. In this episode, the Technofile host, Christopher Mooney, invites Karine Perset, head of the AI unit of the OECD Division for Digital Economy Policy and the OECD Policy Observatory, and Dr Sebastian Hallensleben, co-chair of the AI Classification and Risk Assessment Working Group in OECD, to answer questions around the definition of AI and AI systems, why a need exists for the OECD classification framework, the structure of the framework, the next steps now that the framework has been established, the ethics of AI among other key questions.
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The Technofile podcast episode "Know Thy AI: Assessing the risks of Artificial Intelligence" was recorded after the launch of the OECD Framework for the Classification of AI systems. The podcast offers its listeners insight from experts from the OECD on what AI and AI systems are, why a framework needs to exist, and the potential risks and next steps needed to mitigate them.