My DigiSkills Online Tool

The MyDigiSkills self-assessment tool has been created under a Creative Commons Licence by ALL DIGITAL from the DigCompSAT project of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. ALL DIGITAL represents networks of digital competence centres, information and communication technology (ICT) learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe where children and adults can access the Internet and learn the latest digital skills.
By using this easy tool, citizens can better understand their level related to knowledge, skills and attitude in each of the five areas of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.0). The MyDigiSkills tool takes around 20 minutes to complete - and learners will receive a report on their digital competence level in the end.
The five sections cover the following areas:
- Information and Data Literacy
- Communication and Collaboration
- Digital Content Creation
- Safety
- Problem-solving
The tool is available in 11 languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian.
Digital skills resource details
A self-assessment tool to get a report on your levels of digital skills