Discovering ICT careers: beyond programming and coding

The rapid wave of digitalisation of Europe´s economy and society, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has meant that digital skills and digital experts have now become essential, and are no longer considered "optional" but "critical". While this trend had been gaining momentum for dedaced across all industries, the current acceleration is unprecedented.
The demand for ICT specialists is causing challenges as businesses are faced with a lack of experts in the field, with potential negative consequences for the growth of Europe’s economy.
Educational policies play a fundamental role, as they can encourage undergraduates to opt for tech studies and improve their employment prospects linked to higher earning potential. Many of these jobs go unfilled, making advanced digital skills part of a solution to unemployment.
Moreover, there is still persistent gender gap: only one in five ICT specialists and ICT graduates are women, which may affect the way digital solutions are devised and deployed.
But how can education stakeholders encourage students, young graduates, and young professionals to pursue a career in tech? Many stereotypes persist in advertising careers in tech, making it appear inaccessible to young people, to women, or to anyone not interested in programming or coding.
This webinar will debunk the main stereotypes on a career in tech, as well as promote several ICT-related career pathways. Members of National Coalitions will present successful initiatives at local level that can be replicated in your communities and students and young professionals - both male and female - with a background other than digital will share their experience with the audience, to show that you do not need a degree in engineering or programming to become an ICT specialist. Registration is available at the following link.
Opening and welcome from Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak, Head of Unit, European Commission - DG CNECT Interactive Technologies, Digital for Culture and Education
Keynote presentation from Dr Anthony Mann, Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD's Education and Skill Directorate
Panel discussion with:
Ghita Ramdhiansing – Trainer and Founder of Clearwater Skyfields BV. - Malta National Coalition for Skills & Jobs
Gülin Kizirlimak – R&D Analyst at 3SHAPE in Copenhagen – Danish National Coalitions for Skills & Jobs
Ljupcho Mihailovski – Global Business Development Manager at Maker’s Red Box - Hungarian National Coalition for Skills & Jobs
Elena Día-Alejo – Manager Corporate Citizenship & Public Affairs, Samsung – she will present the programme “DesArrolladoras”: Initiative to train women in coding - Spanish National Coalition for Skills & Jobs