Adult educators discuss digital competencies and common understanding according to DigComp 2.2

The Ministry of Education and Science and the project “EPALE National Support Service” in cooperation with the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA) organised a seminar for adult educators “Towards a common understanding of digital competencies: theory and practice”.
The seminar aimed to update and promote the discussion between adult educators and those involved in adult education on digital competencies and their common understanding in line with the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DigComp 2.2. The seminar was attended by industry experts and shared theoretical information as well as practical experience and recommendations.
For those implementing lifelong learning programmes, including all providers of non-formal education programmes, it is important to understand the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DigComp 2.2, as well as to promote its implementation at the national level. It is equally important to identify examples of good practice and the challenges that have been observed so far, by creating the content of non-formal education programmes by DigComp 2.2 levels, as well as by assessing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to determine DigComp level 2.2.
After presentations by industry professionals, participants had the opportunity to meet with experts individually. During the "speed dating", everyone had the opportunity to discuss current issues and challenges for the implementation of DigComp 2.2 in practice. At the end of the seminar, experts in the ICT field and the specialists involved in adult education admitted that both decision-makers and industry representatives should continue the negotiations and discussions to promote the implementation of the framework in non-formal education.
Video recording of the seminar.
More information and expert presentations.
The seminar was organised within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ project “EPALE National Support Service” (European Commission Grant Agreement No 101074777-EPALE NSS LV) in cooperation with LIKTA.