DYPA: Over 260,000 Greeks have been certified in digital and green skills

According to a press release by the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA), the public body aims to have 500,000 Greeks certified in digital and green skills by 2025.
During an event for the European Year of Skills “Strengthening Greece with Skills for a Sustainable Future” organised by DYPA, Spyros Protopsaltis, Governor of DYPA and National Coordinator of the European Year of Skills presented the important work that has already been implemented in the field of training and the ambitious programmes that are being prepared for the near future.
260,000 Greeks have already completed vocational training programmes and received certifications. Of these, 68 % were women, 69% opted for digital skills programmes, 50 % were secondary school graduates, 42 % were tertiary graduates, and 58 % of trainees live outside Attica and Central Macedonia. In addition, 36,000 Greeks have completed programmes of technology giants in collaboration between DYPA and Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Huawei, Coursera and Google.
By 2025, DYPA’s goal is to have 500,000 Greeks certified in digital and green skills, in order to improve Greece’s low position in the European rankings for national performance in the areas of skills development, activation, and matching.
“The Recovery and Resilience Fund is a historic opportunity”, said Spyros Protopsaltis, “with unprecedented resources amounting to one billion euros to be allocated only to training and retraining programmes for the unemployed and workers. In this effort we want to ensure that no one is left behind. We are developing specifically targeted programs for groups such as detainees and those in rehabilitation programs.”
DYPA has collaborated with municipalities, cooperatives and universities, partnered with companies, as well as the country’s DYPA professional schools’ Open Days. The reforms implemented resulted in the establishment of the National Labour Skills Council, the Digital Skills Gateway and the National Register of Continuing Vocational Training Providers. These offer monitoring of graduates’ progress in the labour market. 143 million euros have been allocated for the building, upgrading, and modernisation of equipment, while seven experimental schools in tourism have started in collaboration with the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and INSETE for the training of students in work in high-level hotels.
In the coming period, new initiatives will be open for 130,000 Greek citizens:
- 50,000 unemployed and workers will receive green skills training
- 30,000 unemployed people will receive digital and green certifications
- 25,000 unemployed people and workers will receive university training
- 10,000 unemployed and workers will receive AI training
- 10,000 unemployed people will receive vocational training for drivers
- 5,500 unemployed people will receive training for security staff
- 1,000 unemployed will receive advanced digital skilsl training