Launch of DYPA’s digital job search platform ‘HotJobs’

The Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA)’s new digital job search platform, HotJobs, is now in full operation.
According to ANA-MPA, this new initiative is part of a set of active policies and actions aimed at boosting employment in Greece, such as Career Days and consulting workshops. This is also part of DYPA’s attempt to strengthen its mediating role in the labour market and build a strong two-way relationship with the country’s medium and large enterprises (50+ staff members) in order to bridge the gap between supply and demand on the labour market.
How to use the ‘HotJobs’ platform?
The new digital platform is easy to use and friendly for both businesses (the platform primarily targets medium and large enterprises) and prospective employees. The process is simple and quick.
Specifically, businesses can register their advertisements for their vacancies on the digital platform, by filling in the necessary fields relating to the name of the company, the number of staff employed, the address of the registered office, the contact details (name of the person responsible, telephone and e-mail), the number of vacancies and the specialties they are looking for. The companies can also indicate if they’re interested in being informed about the time and place of the Career Days.
For their part, unemployed or job-seekers can send their CV at the click of a button, containing all the information about their level of education, their professional experience and their skills.
Subsequently, the Service Unit for Medium and Large Enterprises (MME), utilising the expertise of its specialised staff and the CV database, undertakes the provision of personalised, quality recruitment services for businesses, at no cost, aiming at the fastest possible integration or reintegration of the unemployed into the workforce and finding of the right personnel for the businesses.
To this end, the platform’s option to search using filters according to the level of education, type of employment, specialisation and experience of the candidate employee is crucial.
In addition, the option to search on a map of Greece is particularly useful, so that experienced and properly trained employment consultants can identify the needs of companies by region and effectively meet them with employees who have the appropriate knowledge and qualifications for the jobs on offer.
It should be noted that MME’s task is to undertake personnel recruitment actions by implementing pre-selection plans, with the main objective of recruitment, through a mediation process, which is designed and implemented specifically and individually for each company seeking its services.
In particular, they provide:
- A detailed inventory of the company's job vacancies, such as specialties and required qualifications, by a qualified employer employment consultant.
- Screening of suitable candidates, through the network of job seekers' employment consultants.
- Pre-selection of candidates through analysis of CVs and personal interviews.
- Continuous updating, sending out pre-selected CVs and liaising with the relevant HR department of the companies.
- Organisation of Career Days, which offer the opportunity for face-to-face contact and interviews with a large number of candidates.
- Monitoring final selections and recruitments, sharing data and evaluating/taking stock of the process.