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On 27 February 2024, the Minister of Labour, Georges Mischo, and the Director of the Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (ADEM), Isabelle Schlesser, unveiled a new study on IT careers. This study highlights the trends and skills required in this field, complementing nine other sector studies previously published by ADEM between 2022 and 2023.

This research is based on job vacancies reported by companies to ADEM and is part of the “Future Skills” initiative and the Partnership for Employment established between ADEM and the Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises. This study of IT professions was made possible by close collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, the ABBL and the Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition, and forms part of the “Innovative Initiatives”, a government initiative launched by the Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy Department.

The study reveals strong growth in IT occupations, with a significant increase in the number of jobs advertised since 2015. The jobs most in demand include IT development, data management and analysis, IT consulting, administration and IT security. These jobs require specialised and cross-disciplinary skills such as problem-solving and adapting to change.

To meet these needs, ADEM is committed to training jobseekers, offering a range of IT training courses to enhance or acquire skills. In addition, ADEM has launched an interactive dashboard called “JobInsights“, offering up-to-date information on job opportunities and labour market trends. The Minister of Labour stressed the importance of these initiatives in enabling jobseekers to adapt to changes in the labour market.

Full details of the study, including the one on IT careers, are available on the ADEM website.

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Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative