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Industrial robotics course

Single offer

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to industrial robots, focusing on understanding their basic components, programming, and safety considerations. Designed under the umbrella of the EAGLE project ('CovEring the trAining Gap in digitaL skills for European SMEs manpowEr'), the course combines theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on experiences.

Behind the EAGLE project is a vision of excellence in design and delivery of high-quality, specialised training courses. With 6 courses in total, the project takes into account and reflects the latest developments in key capacity areas (cybersecurity, big data, robotics, blockchain and smart energy). It also supports the development of advanced digital skills for the EU labour force, and especially SMEs - upskilling both managers and employees alike. 

About this course 

The objective of this course is to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of industrial robots, including their components, technical parameters, and applications. By the end of the course, students will be able to select appropriate robots for specific tasks, perform basic manual movements using a teach pendant, and program robots to execute simple automated tasks. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of the safety considerations when working with robots, as well as advanced topics such as kinematic modelling and robot interfaces through practical case studies.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: 

  • Be able to explain the differences from one industrial robot to the next, and list their main technical parameters.
  • Acquire the basics to select an industrial robotic arm to perform a task.
  • Learn how to perform basic manual movements with a robot by using the teach pendant.
  • Be able to program an industrial robot to perform simple automatic tasks.
  • Understand the basics of safety in robotics. 

The training can be completed alongside one's work in a flexible manner: it does not require a significant time commitment. Learners will need around 5 hours or less of study time on a weekly basis to complete the course. 

About Project EAGLE

The course is developed under the framework of the EU-funded EAGLE project, an initiative that aims to contribute to development of vibrant European education communities and works with a range of business partners to identify existing skill/knowledge gaps and address them. The project is specifically dedicated to bringing concrete improvements for SMEs.

Now that we have sparked your interest, you're free to explore this course - head over to project EAGLE's website to find out more

Training Offer Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Computer use
Target language
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Typology of training opportunties
Learning activity
e-learning coursework
Assessment type
Training duration
Is this course free
Is the certificate / credential free
Part time light
Credential offered
Learning Activity
Self-paced course