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Organising and managing learning in a Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle)

Single offer

This programme aims to enhance teachers’ competencies according to the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and guides them to explore and create virtual learning environments (VLE) Moodle for distance learning or blended education. Participants will be introduced to the design and application of digital tools for learning content development and implementation of learning process by focusing on practical skills, including: 

  • How to plan and manage a learning process;
  • How to monitor and evaluate different learning processes;
  • How to plan and organise learning content and education via the use of technology tools or by adapting the technology chosen according to the individual skills of students; subject matter, teaching scenarios (and their application to the content of learning materials); 
  • How to facilitate file exchange in VLE courses; 
  • What opportunities exist for monitoring and evaluating progress; 
  • How to organise communication and cooperation between learners, other teachers and trainees, parents (guardians, carers), etc. 

Training Offer Details

Target audience
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Typology of training opportunties
Learning activity
workshop, seminar or conference
Assessment type
Training duration
Is this course free
Is the certificate / credential free
Training start date
Part time intensive
Credential offered
Qualification Award
Self-paced course