The European Office Of Cyprus (EOC)

The European Office of Cyprus (EOC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Nicosia, with representation offices in Brussels and in Athens. It was founded in 2007 by 18 Cypriot organisations from a wide spectrum of sectors and interests.
The European Office of Cyprus aims to offer support to its members, so they can maximise the funding and development opportunities offered by the European Union.
A. Representation, visibility and advocacy for EOC Members.
The EOC members acquire dynamic presence by being represented to the European Institutions, European Organisations, regional representation offices, networks, enterprises, while favorable conditions are created for the promotion of their interests to the decision making groups at EU level.
B. Tailored information and consultation on EU funding opportunities.
The EOC provides targeted information on the latest European legislation, policies and funding opportunities. The EOC provides consulting services for the optimum use of EU Programmes, as well as, support for successful submission of project proposals by finding reliable partners. Moreover, the EOC actively participates as a partner in a number of EU funded projects.
C. Participation in European networks and partnerships.
The EOC gives great importance to the development of transnational contacts and strategic collaborations, which contribute to successful networking and promotion of mutual interests for shaping the European policy, participating in European Programmes and exchanging best practices. The EOC collaborates with more than 300 regional representation offices in Brussels, with a considerable number of European Sectoral Networks, as well as, with officials in key-positions at Local/Regional, National and European Level.