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The Government of the Slovak Republic (SR), presided over by the Prime Minister and Deputies and Government Ministers, is appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic.

The Slovak Government formulates the national public policy, operates within the margins allowed in the Slovak Constitution, and decides on economic and social security policy matters. 

Acting in the best interests of the Slovak nation, the Government sets objectives within its national program and designs and implements actions and initiatives within the scope of the adopted national budget in order to meet these. The institution can also propose amendments to the state budget and issue governmental regulations and legal decrees. It also forumulates national foreign policy and works with the Slovak parliament through the submission of draft bills, and the organisation of discussions and open consultations with relevant sectors, businesses and organisations. 

The Government of the Slovak Republic is also responsible for coordinating the overall competitiveness of the country on a European and international scale and develops actions and initiatives aimed at upskilling and reskilling of digital competences. The goal of the government's Action plan for the digital transformation of Slovakia for 2019 –2022, published in 2019, is to set the scene and build the necessary conditions for lifelong learning and digital skills' improvement.

Slovakia ranks on place number 20 in the 2018 European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), with 59% of Slovaks possessing at least a basic level of digital competence (slightly above the European Union average of 57%). At the same time, the public and private sector in Slovakia have experienced shortage of labour in terms of both basic and advanced digital skills. To bridge the skills gap between recruiters, businesses and jobseekers and employees, actions by the Government of the Slovak Republic aim to improve overall digital literacy levels, access to technology, and experience in the use of technologies through education and training for all citizens. 

Organisation Details

National coalition member
Organisation category
Public institution
Policy maker
Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education
History and archaeology
Political sciences and civics