The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment promotes sustainable growth. The objective of economic and business policy is to effectively regulate the labour market and businesses, and to provide financing and services for matching jobs with jobseekers. Market entry is made easy, and the best companies enjoy good growth opportunities.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment aims to build confidence by creating well-functioning markets and wise regulation. Well-functioning markets and fair competition benefit both consumers and companies. Fair competition results in higher quality products and services, and in more productive companies. The objective of energy policy is to consistently move towards a sustainable climate-neutral society, and to promote new energy solutions and their worldwide export. The regional policy measures adopted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment take account of regional strengths and conditions, thereby supporting renewal. Integration policy priorities include support to immigrants to bolster social cohesion and settling as local residents, well-organised and controlled placement of immigrants granted international protection in municipalities, and good cooperation between the state and municipalities.