Technische Universität Dresden

The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest “Technische Universitäten” in Germany and one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a full-curriculum university with 17 faculties in five schools it offers a broad variety of 124 disciplines and covers a wide research spectrum. Its focuses Health Sciences, Biomedicine & Bioengineering, Information Technology & Microelectronics, Smart Materials & Structures, Energy, Mobility & Environment as well as Culture & Societal Change are considered exemplary in Germany and throughout Europe.
Since 2012, TUD has been one of the “Universities of Excellence”. In the second phase of the Excellence Initiative, TUD was successful with four applications: The Institutional Strategy, the Clusters of Excellence Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) and the Graduate School Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB. In January 2019, three new Clusters of Excellence have started their work: PoL – Physics of Life, ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Materials, and CeTI – Centre for Tactile Internet.