Digital transformation in Europe is significantly impacting the labour market. The demand for digital skills is increasing in all sectors of the economy and society.
Basic digital skills have become necessary for both daily lives and employability, setting foundations for embracing the digital world. In the near future, 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills. As digital technologies rapidly evolve, life-long learning and continuous digital upskilling will play a significantly bigger role than before.
The 2021 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), which presents the updated indicators on Europe’s digital performance, shows that 44% of Europeans lack basic digital skills. The European Union is working towards improving digital skills with various initiatives implemented such as Digital Decade, Digital Europe Programme, Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, European Skills Agenda, Digital Education Action Plan, Recovery and Resilience Facility, to name a few.
Aiming at tackling the digital skills gap, the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform gives visibility to various initiatives, training opportunities and resources to anyone who is interested in reskilling and upskilling, covering several digital topics and areas.
The Platform also offers a Basic learning path on Digital Transformation with several trainings and resources, as well as other learning content.
Our catalogue of opportunities and actions is growing and the Platform offer now new features such as a self-assessment tool (Test your Digital Skills) and a wide variety of introductory online courses on emerging technologies. Don’t forget to join our Community to exchange with your peers and digital experts across Europe.