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Creating successful and sustainable Digital Skills Projects

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Calling all EU funded projects!

This group is dedicated to sharing good practices and news about projects on digital skills at all levels, and we will also discuss the EU funding programmes designed to support these digital skills projects.

So if you are involved in a Digital Skills Project that is currently being set up, is ongoing, or has been completed, we want to hear your opinion and to learn more about your work! Projects from all sectors, all levels and all EU funding programmes are more than welcome.

Want to be part of the conversation?

1. Sign up for the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform here if you are not already a member.

2. Join this discussion group by clicking on the blue 'Join Group' button on the top right-hand corner of this page.

3. Share your story and exchange experiences in this open discussion.

What are the outcomes of this discussion group?

We will be reading your comments and collecting your experiences and projects in the following weeks, and will work together with you to create some practical guidelines for future applicants for projects on digital skills, so here is what we'd like to know about your project:

  • Name of the project and link to the website
  • Your organisation and the project partners
  • The funding programme you accessed to support it
  • An abstract of what the project is (or was) about
  • If the project ended, we'd love to hear about the outcomes and what your experience was
  • Tips for others who would like to approach a similar operation
  • Events and publications are welcome! feel free to share them here

We will be sharing with you the guidelines that will result from this group, to receive them, all you have to do is click Subscribe to the discussion thread at this link, and you will receive the updates in your mailbox.

See you soon!