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Digital Ethical Movement

We are an association dedicated to promoting digital culture in Italian schools through informative activities and ethical actions that improve society thanks to a conscious use of the internet. In addition to the numerous projects offered free of charge to schools across the nation over the years, the Association internally relies on the National Scientific Observatory for the study and analysis of data collected annually during informational meetings. For some time now, we have also been part of working groups promoted by MIUR and the European Commission.

We develop initiatives that contribute to the mission of widespread digital education: How do we do this?

  • By creating an initial level of awareness about the potential and risks of the internet through Social Warning

  • By repairing and donating portable computers to make the internet accessible to everyone

  • By giving young kids talks about revenge porn and online freedom through #NonSeiLiber*

  • By spreading knowledge of these themes through national and European media, in collaboration with the Scientific Observatory's data

Organisation Details

Geographic Sphere
International initiative
In which sector does your organisation operate ?
Information and Communication
Provider - organisations directly providing training and delivering digital skills programmes.