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Digital skills bootcamps for everyone

Digital Skills Bootcamps for everyone

What is the definition of a Digital Bootcamp? Digital Bootcamps are a program meant to help both individuals and businesses improve their digital abilities and expand their future chances. This is very much in line with the eSkills Malta Foundation's digital skills skilling, upskilling, and reskilling mandate. eSkills Malta Foundation is dedicated in helping people adapt, evolve, and prosper in a revolutionised and modern workplaces in an ever-increasing world of remote working and reliance on digital technology.  With this in mind, the Foundation launched a new program in 2019 to fund a new initiative the Digital Skills Bootcamps. The goal of these bootcamps is to introduce youngsters to the joys of coding, to develop youth and adults interested in pursuing a career in coding, and to upskill teachers' abilities and competencies. 

The bootcamps also introduce teenagers, adults, and pensioners in developing technology, such as the use of the internet to make their lives easier.  In a nutshell, the digital bootcamps can apply to everybody regardless of one’s work situation. The eSkills Malta Foundation Bootcamps are great for those who are already employed and want to develop and tailor their skills to their current position, as well as those who are looking for work and recognising that having these additional skills will help them stand out from the crowd.

Year after year, the popularity of the eSkills Malta Foundation’s funded Digital Skills Bootcamps has grown. This year more than 15 training providers have signed on to participate in this critical effort and have become essential stakeholders. More than 20 Digital Skills courses will be available in 2022, spanning from Creating ICT Specialists to Emerging Technologies for Citizens to Upskilling Teachers. These Digital Abilities Bootcamps may be the right fit for anyone who is working, self-employed, unemployed, or returning to work after a break who wants to swiftly improve their skills in a specific area, fast track into a new position, or advance in their current job.

These Digital Skills Bootcamps are completely free and will run from April to December 2022.  For more information, please follow us on  You can also contact us on​