Share your experience from previous pledges

Are you already a Pledger? Share outputs and insights from previous pledges.
About: The ongoing digital transformation of the economy and society requires that all Europeans acquire and develop their digital skills. The #Home4DigitalSkills is inviting Members and new organisations from all EU Member States to submit a pledge and become active in delivering digital skills for Europe.
Objective: Are you already a Pledger organisation? Would you like to help new Pledgers design effective and sustainable digital skills initiatives? Start the discussion and share some unique insights and outputs from your previous pledges. This will help inspire organisations to take action in equipping Europeans – citizens, the labour force, ICT specialists and those in the education sector - with the skills they need for life and work in the digital age.
All Pledgers are welcome to contribute to this discussion thread and share key outcomes from their pledges.
How hard was it to design a pledge for the first time? What were some of the key challenges and lessons learnt from your experience? Use the Comments below to share your thoughts on how your pledging organisation is supporting the Commission’s efforts in this space.