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Good Practices

Digital skills are now needed for almost all jobs, and demand for them is projected to increase both on a national and EU level. More recently, green or environmental skills, have also come to the forefront of the debate - and so has the need to shape future occupations in such a way that they can respond to the realities of the labour market. More specifically, top executives, managers and directors should also be upskilled, so they know how to identify the skills they need, properly conduct training, etc. 

About this initiative

The aim of the Digital Skills for a Green Future of Slovakia project is to increase the level of digital and professional skills linked to the SK RIS3 2021+ domain, mainly to domain 1 (Innovative industry for the 21st century) and domain 3 (Digital transformation of Slovakia). This feeds into relevant strategies to boost digital literacy and advanced skills in Slovakia and a range of accompanying initiatives, and especially the National Digital Skills Strategy of the Slovak Republic and the Action Plan for the years 2023 – 2026. The green transition is a significant opportunity for Slovakia, as it creates markets for clean technologies, products and, among other things, offers the development of green skills in order to fill the so-called green jobs.

Why is this a good practice? 

The national project 'Digital Skills for the Green Future of Slovakia' was created on an initiative of the European Commission to boost the digital skills of workers. In particular, the national project reflects the importance of spreading awareness of the digital and green transitions among top managers of businesses, municipalities and public authorities. The importance of the national project is also reflected in several global outlooks (OECD, WEF) in terms of strengthening Slovak capacity to respond to labour market needs and ensuring the development of adequate skills in a globalised and digitalised economy. 

Good practice details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Type of funding