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Good Practices

The IT Fitness Test, developed by the IT Association of Slovakia within the framework of the Slovakian Digital National Coalition, provides a common way for users to assess the level of their digital skills and knowledge and compare their results to the ones of their peers. The test is available on two difficulty levels and represents a self-assessment test primarily targeting high-school and university students and primary school pupils and teachers, in line with the initiative's specific focus on fostering the development of digital skills in education. The second, more advanced level is meant for high school and university students, but may also be of interest to any citizen curious to assess their digital skills level. Adults are therefore encouraged to skip to the second test, more tailored to the general public. In 2020, the youngest participants of the IT Fitness Test were two solvers aged 7 years from Bratislava - and the oldest respondent was 80 years old. 

The test for primary schools consists of 20 questions (and 25 for students in secondary/tertiary schools) in 5 areas:

  • Internet.
  • Security and computer systems.
  • Complex tasks.
  • Office tools.
  • Collaborative tools and social networks.

The IT Fitness Test allows students to assess their digital skills level and receive information on areas for improvement, identified by the test, as well as information on how their result compares to the national average. Upon successful completion, users receive a certificate, which can be shared with employers. Teachers have the possibility to open a virtual classroom for their students to receive test results and use them to develop and create training curricula.

The IT Fitness Test also publishes results. In 2020, the testing period took place between 4 May 2020 - 31 July 2020, with more than 22,300 participants, with the following results: 

  • 13,649 respondents completed the test for secondary and university students (an increase of 2,685 compared to 2019). The average success rate was 61.65%  (an increase of 11.78% compared to 2019). 
  • 7,246 pupils participated in the testing for primary schools (a decrease of 6,102 compared to 2019). However, the average success rate was 64.98% (an increase of 13.36% compared to 2019). Both indicators are slightly above the average level of IT competence on a national level. 

Results from the IT Fitness Test in 2020 were better than the previous year, pointing to the positive impact of the pandemic on pupils' and parents' digital skills. The initiative achieved a considerable impact with more than 200,000 attendees in the first 8 years of its existence. In 2021, the initiative brings together more than 30,000 participants. It is easily scalable as a self-assessment tool, available and accessible online for anyone, an aspect reflected in the increased number of compiled tests amongst high-school and university students, and the increased number of institutions in tertiary/secondary education participating each year. The test is repeatedly available for educational purposes beyond the official testing period, contributing to the initiative's replicability. 

Good practice details

Target audience
Digital skills in education.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Software and applications development and analysis
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Type of funding