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The six learning modules expand digital skills in the six competence areas of basic and access, information and data handling, communication and cooperation, creation of digital content, security, problem solving and learning. 

The content can be completed as a whole module, listened to as a podcast or downloaded in PDF format. One module takes about 10-15 minutes. 

The first learning module deals with the ‘purchase of a smartphone’. It shows what you need to take into account when buying a smartphone and how to set up the smartphone and make personal settings. Users also learn how to use apps and how to dispose of end-of-life mobile phones in a professional manner. The learning module covers competence area 0 – Basics and Access. 

The learning module ‘Using the Internet for a journey’ provides information on how to search for, evaluate, compare offers and scores on the internet. The module also deals with how to search for videos and how to use a route planner. You will also learn how to secure data. This module relates to domain 1 – Management of information and data. 

Everything related to online communication, online shops and online financial services providers can be seen in the ‘Hut-yourself project’ learning module. It also looks at how appropriate instructions can be found on the internet. The module is part of competence area 2 – Communication and cooperation. 

The learning module ‘maintaining the world of work’ helps users to create and upload digital content on the internet. The module also deals with the use of appointment reminders. It also shows the rights you have in your own image and what is generally to be taken into account when presenting yourself on the internet. This module is assigned to domain 3 – Creation of digital content. 

The ‘Stolpersteine on the Network’ Learning Module provides all the important topics for protecting themselves against cyber hazards in the area of competence 4 – Security. The module shows how users can detect rogue websites and fraudulent emails and best react in case of loss or theft of the mobile phone. Another topic is age-appropriate internet use among children and young people. 

In the ‘Wage tax compensation’ learning module, everything is about doing business online or using online social security services. The module also explains how to find help in case of problems online and how to train online. This module is part of domain 5 – problem solving and learning. 

Digital skills resource details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Topology of competences
The f4i tools for professional digital skills cover all six competence areas of the Digital Skills Model for Austria – DigCom 2.2. At.

The six multimedia learning modules on the six competence areas of the Digital Competence Model for Austria address different topics and offer opportunities to learn about digital applications in everyday life. The resource was developed in accordance with the competence model DigComp 2.2. At structured.

Skills resource type
Self-Assessment Tool