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C1b3rWall Academy 2022-2023

C1b3rWall Academy is a training action integrated within the C1b3rWall Project of the Spanish National Police and the University of Salamanca (Spain). It was created in 2017 at the Escuela Nacional de Policía for the dissemination of cybersecurity culture, associated technological disciplines and strengthening of cybercrime prevention.

Partnered with the AIr institute and the e4YOU training platform, the C1b3rWall Academy has the objective is to train all citizens and professionals in the field of digital security in both the private and public sectors, with academic, institutional and business collaboration. The trailing is free but the places are limited until full capacity is reached. You can register and access the modules through the e4YOU online platform, the App Store or Google Play.

This year's edition

This edition will include technical modules along with other informative ones, such as awareness modules, specially designed for those who do not have knowledge in these areas and who want to protect their families or their business. In addition, the programming of speakers and events will be open, with the aim of incorporating experts and content, with scoops and news in light of advances in cybersecurity knowledge. 

20 Modules

The training will be divided into 20 modules, arranged in two sections "C1b3rwall Academy Themed" (16 modules), and "C1b3rwall Academy Essentials" (4 modules). Modules can also be filtered by thematic area (blockchain, law and technology, cybercrime, cyber intelligence, cybersecurity, cybersecurity and business, cybersecurity awareness, discipline associated with cybersecurity); public (public administrations, educators, enterprises, families, law enforcement agencies, technical) or ENISA profile. The first 9 modules are open, the other will be available soon:

C1b3rwall Academy Temáticos

C1b3rwall Academy Essentials 

  • Concienciación: fundamentos y casos de ciberseguridad (Awareness: fundamentals and cases of cybersecurity)
  • Cibercrimen y ciberseguridad (Cybercrime and cybersecurity)
  • Ciberseguridad: fundamentos, casos reales y prevención (Cybersecurity: fundamentals, real cases and prevention)
  • Ley, legaltech, blockchain y criptomonedas (Law, legaltech, blockchain and cryptocurrencies)
  • Bases de datos y desarrollo de software seguro (Secure databases and software development)
  • Ciberseguiridad en administraciones públicas (Cybersecurity in public administrations)
  • Ciberseguriad para empresas (Cybersecurity for companies)
  • Ciberinteligencia (Cyber intelligence)
  • Concienciación CIBER (CYBER awareness)
  • Cibercrimen, riesgos, amenazas y vulnerabilidad (Cybercrime, risks, threats and vulnerabilities)

The modules will be opened consecutively and will remain open throughout the training, so that the material can be reviewed over the coming months. In the same way, students will be able to access the evaluation tests when they deem it appropriate.

In addition, the programming of last year's edition would also be available to complete the training. All the modules are available as separate MOOCs, in which every participant can enroll.

C1b3rWall Academy 2


Two types of diplomas or certificates are offered in all modules, certificates of attendance (free) and certificates of completion. In addition, you can apply for a diploma or general certificate of completion of the program. In the case of having passed at least 10 modules (300 hours), you can obtain the "C1b3rWall Academy Diploma". To obtain the "C1b3rWall Academy Executive Diploma" you must pass at least 15 modules (450 hours). 

Training Offer Details

Target audience
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Security services not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Typology of training opportunties
Learning activity
educational programme
Assessment type
Training duration
Is this course free
Is the certificate / credential free
Part time light
Credential offered
Diploma Supplement
Self-paced course