EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
The EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals is a multilingual online editor developed by the European Commission, which can be used by organisations and institutions working with third country nationals. The tool has been designed to support the mapping of the skills, qualifications and work experiences of refugees, migrants and citizens of non-EU countries currently residing in the EU. The tool has been developed in 2017 as part of the Skills Agenda for Europe, and will soon become an integral part of the new Europass platform.
The EU Skills Profile Tool in brief
Any organisation or service that assists citizens of countries outside of Europe can benefit from the tool. It can also be used during interviews and assessments to allow for skills profiling, as well as to:
- support further assessment;
- form a basis for offering guidance;
- identify upskilling needs and learning solutions;
- support job search and skills matching.
The online tool maps skills and competences, which are then used as the basis for issuing personalised advice, tailored to each particular case. This guidance for users of the tool relates to various areas central to integration, such as employment support, facilitation of the process of recognising foreign diplomas, job search, and upskilling and training opportunities.
To get started, you should create a profile and complete the sections 'Personal information' and 'Skills identification' sections on your own. Your advisor should then complete the other sections and provide support to match your skills with a potential employer and lay down a plan on what to do next.
Who can use this tool?
The EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals tool may be useful to national authorities, responsible for asylum seekers and refugees, social service and case workers, legal affairs professionals, reception centres, employment assistance services, education and training advisors, NGOs and charitable organisations offering services to refugees and other third country nationals, etc.
The tool is available in all EU languages (except Gaelic). It is also possible to use two languages at the same time, which means the tool is user-friendly and helps to reduce language barriers between case workers and citizens of non-EU countries.
Digital skills resource details
The methodology behind the self-assessment tool is based on empirical data and a thorough mapping of individual profiles of skills, qualifications, and work experience.