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Visual for the Digital Skills Overview - Available funding in Italy

Background information   

In general terms, funding opportunities in Italy are issued by the central, regional, and local authorities through procurement. For bigger scale projects, forms of public-private partnership can be established to support the public authority in the evaluation and implementation of the projects / investment.   

When it comes to digital skills and digital transformation, the lines of action are outlined in the National Strategy for Digital Skills, and related funding opportunities are channeled throughout EU schemes, the RRF and other National funding schemes.  

Funding will be available to: 

The funds of the RRF can be combined with other form of European funds, such as the 2021-2027 Structural and Investment Funds and React-EU, as well the National Plan for Complementary Investments, the National Development and Cohesion Fund and other forms of partnership.  

Recovery and resilience facility

The Italian Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) has foreseen €40.29 bn for the mission “Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism”. Provisions for digital skills were specifically embedded in the measures to support the digital transition and innovation of the Italian production system, through incentives for investments in cutting-edge and 4.0 technologies, RDI and 4.0 training activities (€ 13.4 billion). 

Several portals are being established to centralize information and calls available. 

  • Information in English on the lines of action and their specific budget allocation can be found in the portal Italia Domani.  

The same portal also collects all tendering opportunities and incentives available issued by central, regional and local authorities for the specific mission. Opportunities are open on a rolling basis or until funds run out. Beneficiaries of such funding are Public Administrations, businesses, including small and medium size enterprises and start-ups, and civil society organizations.  

  • A specific portal -Pa Digitale 2026- has been created for the digital transformation of Public Administrations, where information and access to funding is available upon registration of the PA with the digital identity (SPID).  

  • The Digital Civil Service was created for youth to access volunteering opportunities in projects with social impacts related to the digital transformation, including training on basic digital skills and digital inclusivity. The calls for projects starting in 2022 – 2023 are now closed, but a new round of call will be launched in the near future. 

  • Companies have access to different types of incentives and tax credits to support their digital transformation, including training activities for employees. Information is available on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development (recently renamed Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy).  

National funding  

The main instruments used by the National Government in support of the digital transition, and the uptake of digital skills to bridge the digital divide are the National Plan for Complementary Investments, and the Fund of Repubblica Digitale (Italian National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs)  

National Plan for Complementary Investments: the Italian government integrates and enhances the contents of the PNRR through the Complementary National Plan (CNP) by allocating an additional 30.6 billion of national resources, available in addition to the grants and funds provided under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The programs that will be financed through this plan are digital services and citizenship, digital services and competences among others. The calls are open on a rolling basis and complement the RRF and Opportunities will be shown in the Italia Domani portal.  

Fund for Repubblica Digitale: a public-Private Partnership between the Ministry of Digital Transition, Ministry of Economic Development, and the Association of Banking Foundations. The available resources for the period 2022 – 2026 are 350 million euros. The fund finances projects aiming at developing digital competences, bridge the digital divide among citizens and support the digital transformation of the country.  

The first two calls for proposals will be open until the 16th of December and targets women and NEETS. 

Repubblica Digitale: the Italian National Coalition for Digital Skills & Jobs. The initiatives, projects and opportunities offered by the members of the Coalition can be found here. 

Other funding options  

Recovery and Resilience Facility – Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism –  

National Funding

National Plan for Complementary Investments 

Fund for Repubblica Digitale 

Repubblica Digitale 

Projects and opportunities from Repubblica Digitale members 


Briefs details

Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative