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Visual for the Digital Skills Overview - Available funding in Luxembourg

Background information   

Funding opportunities for upskilling and reskilling to support the digital competences of individuals and organizations are available in form of loans, grants and financial instruments. For the period 2021 – 2026 most of the activities in digital transformation are financed through Recovery and Resilience facility but also as activities in Horizon, Erasmus+, ESIF and EEA grant schemes. You may find more on the page of Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of Luxembourg

Recovery and resilience facility  

Luxembourg’s Recovery and resilience plan contributes to the digital transition of the country with a broad and cross-cutting approach. Specific measures to support securing Luxembourg's digital transition include a €10 million investment and a related reform to support quantum-technology communication for ultra-secure connectivity solutions, to improve the security of public sector communications as part of a wider European project, and €13 million to digitalise the public administration, simplifying internal processes as well as those with firms and citizens. The plan also includes an investment on digital skills for workers and two investments to increase the efficiency of the health sector through its digitalisation. 

Luxembourg Quantum Communication Infrastructure Laboratory (LUQCIA) is established to support innovation in quantum communications, reforming existing communication technologies and integrating the national infrastructure into the EuroQCI project. Obtaining experience in this technology helps Luxembourg train and attract highly qualified people and stimulate innovative companies in this field. The reform is accompanied by a EUR 10 million investment.  

National Funding 

Funding opportunities 

Fit 4 Digital is a programme offering guidance and co-funding to businesses spearheaded by Luxinnovation and supported by the Ministry of the Economy. Businesses have the option of having a consultant provide an assessment of their level of digital maturity, in terms of IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and software. The assessment is accompanied by a detailed plan listing various costed actions (consultancy and investment in hardware/software) that could be implemented to improve the business’s digital readiness. State aid may be available to businesses for necessary digital transformation measures. 

On the webpage different trainings and support are available so all citizens can develop their skills throughout life. Currently they are offering 12 032 training courses by 315 approved training providers 

In Luxembourg, private individuals wishing to develop their skills can take advantage of various types of special leave for training, including payment of their remuneration

  • Individual training leave provides free time for attending individual training. It can be granted for up to 80 days over the course of a professional career. 

  • Language training leave is another special paid leave to learn Luxembourgish or perfect one's use of the language and facilitate integration into society. It can be granted for up to 80 days over the course of a professional career. 

  • Youth leave allows anyone in charge of youth activities, to attend workshops and training courses. It can be granted for up to 60 days over the course of a professional career. 

  • Training leave for staff representatives enables staff representatives to attend training courses to improve their economic, legal, social and technical knowledge in their role as employee representatives. 

Companies can also benefit from support for their employees' training, subject to a number of conditions. More information about support for in-company training

Bridging The Gap is an Erasmus+ project providing training modules for women about: Introduction to the basics of ICT for Entrepreneurship, Internet Information Online and how to manage it, Content creation management and sharing, Marketing and Sales, Customer Experience, Communication 4.0 and Online Collaboration. 

The main aim of FemSTEM Coaching is to coach women in STEM, and to support them at all stages of their careers. Project aims to reduce the soft skills gender gap that exists between women and men in STEM, by providing women with tools and techniques to build up their self-confidence and develop their soft skills, as well as their employability skills. To achieve these objectives, an free e-coaching programme for women in STEM has been developed. 

Different funding options are also available on the Digital Skills and Jobs platform, you may find a listing for Luxembourg on this link

Briefs details

Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
National initiative