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The OECD and the European Commission (EC) have joined forces to establish an Education and Innovation Community of Practice (EIPC). The EIPC seeks to stimulate dialogue and advance understanding of the skills that help trigger and shape innovation for the digital and green transitions, as well as deep tech innovation, as set out in the EC’s New European Innovation Agenda, Flagship 4: Fostering, attracting and retaining deep tech talent ( This webinar explored the role that reskilling and upskilling in higher education can play in supporting the dissemination of skills for digital, green and high-tech innovation, with a particular focus on the role of public policy in advancing reskilling and upskilling initiatives in OECD and EU jurisdictions. In this context, the webinar focused on three policy themes, namely the definition of sectoral guidelines, the encouragement of industry engagement and the provision of support for students in training programmes. The sessions also highlight the practical applications of these policies.

The role of higher education in reskilling and upskilling for the green and digital transition

  • Higher educationinstitutions as catalysts for lifelong learning.The focus is on flexible learning formats and green skills.
    • Presentation of specific institutions in some countries (Estonia, Austria and Turkey) that, as members of the EUCEN network, offer opportunities to acquire green skills through the concept of lifelong learning consisting of flexible formats for all.
    • Presentation of initiatives offering courses on skills in agriculture.

Identifying skills needs for the digital and green transitions

  • Identifying and responding to changing skills needs in the technology sector
    • The Institute of Coding (a collaborative initiative of several UK universities) addresses the digital divide through innovative methodologies such as flexible learning pathways, collaborative learning, project-based learning, industrial partnerships, learning through new technologies, etc.
    • The idea is to make learning more inclusive and accessible to all who seek it so that everyone can survive in the digital economy.
  • Designing skills strategies for a successful transition in the tourism industry
    • Identify labour market challenges and gaps in the tourism sector, where 25% of employees are low-skilled and 13% of the workforce is under the age of 25.
    • 85% of the jobs we will need in the next 10 years have not yet been invented.
    • The solution: Multi-level alliances (regional, national, international) supported by the European Commission and focused on investing in digital reskilling and upskilling of workers through employer initiatives (HR, executives, etc.).

Policies to support the uptake of reskilling and upskilling

  • Give meaning to the options: the creation of a one-stop shop for all training and information on digital skills and opportunities in Luxembourg.
    • A centralised platform for Luxembourg with news and events, training opportunities and offers (linked to, INFPC) and resources (best practices, funding opportunities, studies and reports...) related to digital skills and employment.
  • Attracting learners to lifelong learning in higher education in Flanders
    • Easing the conditions for obtaining ECTs and thus encouraging more people to take art courses in Flanders.
    • The programme has been a huge success in the region.

The webinar presentations will be communicated to you shortly!

Article details

Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Geographical sphere
EU institutional initiative