AI Talks – Minister of Digital Governance D. Papastergiou and scientist G. Assassel discuss AI

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its operation, NOISIS, among other activities, organises a series of open discussions entitled ‘AI-Talks’ on artificial intelligence, the opportunities and challenges that emerge through its rapid development and its almost universal infiltration in all aspects of human activity, such as medicine, law, IT, education, culture, journalism and industry, which are under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance.
The aim is to hold a total of eight debates with speakers who will contribute to proper information, highlighting the potential of AI with multidisciplinarity in research, education, society and entrepreneurship, removing technophobia and ensuring ethics in its application.
The first discussion "AI- Talks: Opportunities and challenges"will take place on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 13:00-14:30, at NOISIS, between the Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou and the distinguished scientist, Yiannis Assael, asking questions such as what is Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI, what are the first steps in its learning, where Greece is today, what is the planning for the years to come and in what areas the country can innovate, what is the importance of interdisciplinary research, how we can be prepared for the future, and how we can protect ourselves. The discussion is coordinated by the journalist, Maria Samolada.
In this way NOISIS wishes to present to the general public and especially to pupils and students, evidence-based views on this contemporary reflection by strengthening its social role as an institution of non-formal education, while at the same time honouring the warm response it receives over the years, proving that Greece is innovating and can be transformed into a digital state for the benefit of humans.
On the same day, after the event, the opening of the CERTH-ITI exhibition will take place on the theme "Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges’,where the subject and content is based on the results of five research projects: AI4Media, MedDMO,, Artcast4D and Mammoth of the Knowledge, Multimedia and Network Analysis Lab.
For more information about the event click here
Free admission (no reservations required).
13:00 Welcome President Noisis
13:05 Greeting CERTH – HIPTIL
13:10 Official greetings
13:20 Discussion
14:00 Opening of exhibition "Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges” of EKETA-ITI