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Sustainable Working Lives Webinar - Sweden

Virtual Live

"Sustainable Working Life" is a webinar that aims to show exactly this: what are the prerequisites for one's skills and how can the labour market prepare itself for the changes brought about by the digital transition and ensure people can lead sustainable working lives. It combines policy and research perspectives and looks at the various ways in which actors in today's society can cooperate strategically - and also branch out to new manners of interaction and communication. 

The webinar is organised by the AFoU, an open research and development network that fosters future-proof skills, a good working environment, quality, innovation and competitiveness, and the Swedish Office for Sustainable Work. The webinar is placed within the context of the Swedish and EU digital transformation: in a society and a labour market that is undergoing such a rapid change, the uncertainty around the skills supply is also rising. In parallel, Swedish demographics point to a worrying trend: a higher proportion of older people compared to the share of people with jobs. The webinar is organised with the support of RISE and HELIX Competence Centre, University of Linköping. It is free of charge, fully online - and there is no limit on the number of people that can participate. Register by 26 January 2023, and join the webinar on 31 January 2023. 

More details and registration? Follow this link. 

Event Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Event organizer
Event setting
Virtual Live