18th EIFL Public Library Innovation Award

For the last 18 years, the EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) Public Library Innovation Award has worked to identify successful practical implementation of new and novel ideas and approaches to using digital technology in public library services that bring about meaningful change in addressing community needs.
EIFL's 18th Public Library Innovation Award is open to libraries integrating digital reading and writing into programmes and activities that enhance people’s reading and creativity. In this instance, digital reading and writing refers to any activities using electronic devices such as e-readers, computers, or smartphones. The activities can involve people of any age - children, youth, adults and seniors - and any digital devices or combination of devices.
The call for applications is running until November 12, 2024, and winners will be publicly announced in January 2025.
Criteria for application
To enter the award, applicants must:
- be a public or community library
- be a library located in a transition or developing economy country
- have started the programmes/activities indicated in the application during or after January 2022
- have been operating the programme/activity indicated in application for at least 6 months, and be currently operating at the time of application
- provide evidence of positive results of the programme/activity including statistics regarding the number of people engaged, stories by participants about how the programme/activity has had a positive impact on their reading and / or writing abilities and creativity.
Applications must be submitted via the EIFL online submission system. Applicants can submit more than one activity for the award, but a separate form must be filled out for each submission. The application can be submitted in English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The full application guidelines can be found on the EIFL website, along with past examples of winners.
Several winners will be awarded the prize, the number of winners will depend on the quality of applications. Winners of the price will receive a trophy and a cash prize of $1,500. In addition to this, EIFL will promote your story through its various communication channels.
Evaluation criteria
Applications will be reviewed by international experts. Each application will be reviewed independently by at least two evaluators, who will focus on the quality of the application, based on the following criteria:
- Quality of application and innovativeness of the library service/activity addressing the call’s theme: Innovation means that the service/activity has never been done in this place before, has never focused on a specific target group before, was never done with a particular partner, or partners before, was never done properly before or never used technology (or a particular kind of technology) before.
- Results and impact of the service/activity, such as quantitative and qualitative evidence of positive impact on service users and community, including statistics, user surveys and testimonials of users and other beneficiaries.
- Application demonstrates use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the service/activity.
About EIFL
EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) works with libraries to enable access to knowledge for education, learning, research and sustainable community development. EIFL works in developing and transition economy countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America. Although digital technology and the digitalisation has revolutionised education and created many opportunities to share information, there are still millions of people who are unable to make full use of digital technologies due to structural inequalities and barriers to access. EIFL works to meet their vision of a world in which all people have the knowledge they need to achieve their full potential.