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NSRF 2021-2027

The new ‘Partnership for Regional Development 2021-2027’ (‘NSRF 2021-2027’) reflects and sets out priorities for strengthening the productive potential of the Greek economy, infrastructure, human skills, and social protection. Approved by the European Commission on 29 July 2021, a total of EUR 26,2 billion will be made available to Greece for the next 7 years, of which EUR 20,9 billion is for EU support and EUR 5,3 billion for the National Contribution. In fact, Greece is the first Member State of the EU to formally submit and have approved the ‘Partnership for Regional Development 2021-2027’ for the new programming period.

The structure of the NSRF

It essentially presents projects/actions to be financed through it, taking into account the specific circumstances and needs of the country in the coming years, and addresses the structural shortfalls of the Greek economy. At the same time, major projects started under the 2014-2020 NSRF are ongoing and completed. It has 8 sectoral (EUR 17,6 billion) and 13 regional programmes (EUR 8,1 billion), two of which will finance actions which will, in turn, contribute to the digital transformation of the Greek economy.

The National Coordination Authority 2021-2027 is the coordinating body for all NSRF programmes 2021-2027 and acts as a liaison body and provides information to the Commission representing the country as a whole for the NSRF. It also coordinates the activities of the Programme Managing Authorities and other relevant competent authorities and structures involved, provides guidance to the bodies involved in the implementation of the operations and promotes the application of EU and national law. The Partnership for Regional Development 2021-2027 was adopted by the European Commission on 29/7/2021.

NSRF and cohesion policy for the EU

Cohesion Policy describes the European Union’s investment policy. It aims to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable growth and improve the quality of life of citizens in all EU regions and cities. It aims at solidarity between the EU Member States, convergence between the regions and the reduction of development disparities and, more generally, their economic, social and territorial disparities.

The NSRF is aligned with cohesion policy as well as the priorities and actions to be implemented which aim at a fruitful transition to:

  • “smarter” Greece – 20 % of resources
  • greener Greece – 27 % of resources
  • “more connected” Greece – 8 % of resources
  • “more social” Greece – 30 % of resources
  • Greece closer to its citizens – 6 % of resources
  • For the Just Transition of regions after de-lignite – 7 % of resources

To sum up, the new ‘NSRF 2021-2027’ has a strong growth footprint through actions and projects with high added value and with multiplier benefits for both society and the economy – after the pandemic crisis – by making the greatest contribution to the start of a new cycle of wellbeing for all.

© NSRF 2021-2027

Opportunity Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Geographical sphere
National initiative
Form of funding