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Introduction to Computer Security

Introduction to Computer Security

Unlock the essentials of computer security in Introduction to Computer Society, a lecture by Dr. Daniel Soper on YouTube. This lecture equips you with knowledge on implementing controls, crafting a comprehensive defense strategy, and safeguarding information systems in our tech-driven world.

The lecture begins by discussing the importance of asset availability, emphasizing timely responses, fault tolerance, ease of use, and concurrency control. Moving on, the lecture covers threats to information systems, categorizing them as natural events (like fires or earthquakes) or human-induced, which can be either benign (due to human error) or malicious (with directed or random intent).

The lecture then delves into types of attackers, ranging from amateurs and script kiddies to more sophisticated hackers, crackers, and state-sponsored entities. It highlights the significance of understanding an attacker's method, opportunity, and motive (MOM) to formulate effective defenses.

This is the first lecture out of a series of 12. Don't miss out on this engaging and informative session! 

Learning content

Target audience
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skill level
Geographic scope - Country