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Modern Web Application Architecture Explained

Modern Web Application Architecture Explained

The success of a web application is strongly linked to its architecture. A well-crafted web application architecture ensures faster and more secure communication for users. While your app might function without a robust architecture, having a precisely designed one sets it apart from other web applications, giving it a significant advantage.

So, what is a web application architecture?

"The web application architecture is a “skeleton” or layout that displays the interactions between application components, middleware systems, user interfaces, and databases. This kind of interaction allows a number of applications to work together simultaneously.' Iryna Deremuk, author of 'Modern Web Application Architecture Explained: Components, Best Practices and More'.

In this article, she gives a complete definition of a web application architecture and describes its components, types, best practices and trends. She also explains the differences between Software Architecture and Software Design and how they are not interchangeable things.

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Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
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