EAGLE - Utilising the potential of energy and technological systems (module forms)
'Utilising the potential of energy and technological systems' is part of project EAGLE ('CovEring the trAining Gap in digitaL skills for European SMEs manpowEr'), an EU-funded project to design and deliver high-quality specialised courses that reflect the latest trends in key capacity areas (cybersecurity, big data, robotics, blockchain and smart energy). The project's goal is to support the development of advanced digital skills of people in the labour force, with a focus on SMEs and improve the links between higher education and the world of work. Behind EAGLE is also an ambition to help drive progress towards the targets of the EU Digital Decade and ultimately increase the number of professionals able to design, develop and deploy digital solutions across economy sectors.
About this course
'Utilising the potential of energy and technological systems' is intended for employees without any technical background as well as for those with some knowledge in the area already. The course is modular and can be delivered in parts, and provides a sound overview both on theoretical and practical level of:
- Energetics 4.0: students will be introduced to new technologies, advantages, disadvantages in relation to the environment and reducing energy consumption;
- Modern control of motors and energy consumers;
- Use of RES in the whole context (accumulation, bidirectional control, suitability of installations), cooperation of various kinds;
- Data mining for energy savings and simulations;
- Excursions
Students have the ability to select modules from 2 areas, depending on their specific needs:
- Cities and consumption (including aspects like recultivation, harmful emissions, etc), or
- Energy transition and circularity (including datamining, accumulation, fuel base changing for heat, and electricity).
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will:
- Explore the different ways in which new technologies can be used to save energy;
- Learn what marginal conditions have to exist for RES to be included in systems;
- Understand the specifics of process control and its limits;
- Be able to explain the various possibilities to reduce energy load and facilitate the shift to low-carbon technologies, including the limits and challenges with this;
- Get a good overview of new stances in the area and best practices.
More details and registration
The course is free of charge. It is ideal for SME employees, employees in other sectors, students interested in getting practical experience, and anyone else interested in the subject. Click here to proceed with registering for this course!