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EUHubs4Data Training Catalogue

The EUHubs4Data is a EU funded project building a European federation of Data Innovation Hub, based on existing key players in the area and connecting with data incubators and platforms, SME networks, AI communities, skills and training organisations and open data repositories. The aim of the project is to stimulate greater participation of European SMEs and start-ups in the data economy.

A European catalogue of data sources and federated data-driven services and solutions will be made accessible to European SMEs, start-ups and web entrepreneurs through the Data Innovation Hubs. Cross-border and cross-sector data-driven experimentation will be facilitated through data-sharing, as well as data- and service interoperability, becoming a reference instrument for growth in a global data economy and contributing to the creation of common European data spaces.

The project partners recently released a catalogue of training courses to support the interested parties in acquiring the skills to be able to dive into a data-driven innovation ecosystem and make the most out of it. The catalogue gathers courses that have been developed by the partners´ organizations and extended network. 

The courses can be filtered by 

  • topic

  • country

  • features (hands-on, lecture, self-paced, etc.)

  • language

  • trainer organization

By clicking on each course, you will then find information about:

  • learning outcomes

  • target audience

  • course type

  • supporting materials

  • trainer 

  • duration

Training Offer Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
Target language
Geographical sphere
International initiative
Typology of training opportunties
Learning activity
e-learning coursework
Assessment type
Training duration
Is this course free
Is the certificate / credential free
Part time light
Self-paced course