Functional Program Design in Scala
This course targets programmers in their early development stages (from 1 year of experience with programming and development onwards) and focuses on the design of larger Scala applications.
What is Scala and the structure of the course
Scala, a programming language used for functional programming, is becoming more and more popular amongst professionals in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. To take this course, participants should have at least 1 year of experience and should ideally be proficient in the programming languages Java or C#. However, the course also notes that experience with other programming languages - JavaScript, Python, or C/C++ could also help learners dive deeper into the topics covered by the course.
Learners will improve their understanding of functional programming style in the design of Scala applications and discover important new functional programming concepts (lazy evaluation, library structure via monads, etc). In addition, participants will also have the chance to focus on more specialised examples, such as space exploration or testing of circuits in manufacturing and hardware. Finally, the course also aims to equip learners with an understanding of best practices in Scala applications and code.
This course follows Functional Programming Principles in Scala.