Agency for Digital Italy

The Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) is the technical agency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The main purpose of the Agency is to guarantee the achievement of the Italian digital agenda objectives and contribute to the diffusion of information and communication technologies, with the aim of fostering innovation and economic growth.
AgID has the task of coordinating public administrations in the implementation of the Three-Year Plan for information technology in Public Administration.
AgID supports digital innovation and promotes the dissemination of digital skills, also in collaboration with international, national and local institutions and bodies.
Organisation Details
National coalition member
Organisation category
Public institution
Website link
Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Industry - field of education and training
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) not further defined
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