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National Strategies

Digital transformation is one of the biggest transformations of our time and crucial to secure domestic competitiveness and jobs of the future. To make widespread use of digital tools and solutions in the economy, climate action, society and administration, the digital skills of the population are key. Developing and ensuring digital skills at different levels of competence, application and use is therefore a key success factor. 

Data from the current DESI index and in-depth studies in Austria (‘Digital Fitness in Austria’, 2022) highlight the need for action: According to the DESI Index, 30-40 % of the population aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills. At the same time, the need for digital skills is high in the economy and the world of work and continues to grow as a result of the transformation that will be needed in the future.

The Digital Skills Offensive, led by the Secretary of State for Digital and Telecommunications, responds comprehensively to these skills needs. The offensive was adopted on 7 December 2022 as a joint initiative by four Austrian ministries (BMKOES, BMF, BMBWF and BMAW). Under the European umbrella of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition (DSJC), the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition aims to make Austria a European leader in digital skills, while maintaining a strong European exchange.

Departments, Länder, social partners, cities and municipalities, businesses and education providers will work together strategically on digital skills, with scientific support. The cross-departmental Digital Skills Offensive is coordinated by Florian Tursky as Secretary of State for Digital and Telecommunications and aims to:

  • By 2030, all people in Austria should have basic digital skills. 
  • Increasing the proportion of IT specialists (especially women) and promoting digital talent to meet the skills needs of the economy and make the most of the growth potential of digitalisation. 
  • A national reference framework will be developed to make digital capabilities measurable and comparable. This builds on the Digital Skills Model for Austria (DigComp AT).

The Digital Skills Offensive combines the quality-assured provision of basic digital skills among the population and in different fields of action (notably ICT experts, education, citizens, workers, businesses, public administration). Joint policy development with countries and stakeholders, maintenance of a standardised data base, upskilling opportunities for all age groups, strengthening e-government skills and targeted awareness of career and training choices are foreseen. Ongoing portfolio initiatives and projects will be reinforced. An overview of ongoing activities and future projects can be found in Austria’s Digital Skills Strategy, which is also available in English. 

The concrete work programme of the Digital Skills Offensive for Austria was presented in summer 2023 and implemented through a Digital Skills Office in OEAD GmbH. The Austrian Federal Government also plans an annual “Digital Skills Summit” to assess and further develop the relevant measures.

Strategy Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
The Digital Skills Offensive for Austria was adopted on 7 December 2022. Your concrete work programme will be presented in summer 2023. By 2030, all people in Austria should have basic digital skills.
Latest update of strategy

EUR 5 million start-up financing for 2023

Strategy state-of-play

The Digital Skills Offensive for Austria was adopted on 7 December 2022. In the first half of 2023, State Secretary Tursky conducted Digital Skills Dialogues with relevant stakeholders and partners in the Länder. The findings fed into the concrete work programme of the Digital Skills Offensive, which was presented in June 2023.

Stakeholder Involvement

The Digital Skills Offensive for Austria is supported by four Austrian ministries: the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKOES), the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW). The initiative is coordinated by the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Telecommunications within the scope of the BMF.