Belgium - Digital Wallonia 2019-2024 Strategy

The Digital Strategy of the Wallonia government of Belgium encompasses the period between 2019 and 2024. Digital Wallonia sets the framework for all actions of the Walloon Government, which aim to support Wallonia's digital transformation. The strategy determines 5 major pillars with the objective of boosting Wallonia's digital transformation: Digital Sector, Digital Business, Digital skills and Education, Digital Administration, and Digital Territory.
The pillar for Skills and Education of the Strategy sets the goal that each Walloon citizen must become an actor of the digital transformation by acquiring strong technological skills and adopting an entrepreneurial attitude.
There are several projects of high-priority, defined and supported by the strategy in the area of education and digital skills:
The WallCode project by Digital Wallonia brings together stakeholders and initiatives designed to develop the digital skills of the next generation of young talent and of Walloons in general, in particular in the field of coding and computer programming, algorithmic logic and robotics.
Improving citizens' basic digital competences in order to enable them to assume a more active role in the digital transformation.
Digital Wallonia Champions are the official representatives of the Digital Wallonia campaign. They have 3 main foals: to promote digital technology, to spread the word about Digital Wallonia’s activities, and to put forward ideas for the future digital development in Wallonia.
Under the framework of this project, primary and secondary schools are provided with good quality equipment and a faster broadband with the aim of promoting and increasing the use of digital technology for teaching and learning. The project also equips learners with key, more specific digital skills and supports other forms of learning.
Strategy Details
The action plan's initiatives will be financed from the Wallonia state budget, EU funds, as well as private initiatives and partnerships. Over €5 million will be invested in different projects to support the strategic goals of the plan.
The action plan was accepted in December 2018 and its implementation period runs from 2019 to 2024.
Digital Wallonia is a collaborative project involving many public and private partners from government, information and communication technology (ICT) industries and non-government organisations (NGOs). The strategy is coordinated by the Minister of Economy, Foreign Trade, Research and Innovation, Digital, Land Use Planning, Agriculture, IFAPME and Competence Centres of Wallonia .