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National Strategies

The “Digital Transformation Guidelines for 2021-2027” represents an overarching strategy for the digital transformation of  Latvia and covers, among others, ICT education and  digital skills, internet access, modern and efficient public administration, e-services and digital content for society. The Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia adopted the policy document in July 2021.

The major targets under the Digital skills pillar are the following:

  • Basic digital skills for all citizens
  • Digital skills to use latest technologies and digital services by citizens, public administration employees and SME’s  
  • Digital skills to create and provide innovative digital services and products
  • Digital skills in education system
  • Digital skills in health care system
  • The following activities are foreseen to implement the targets:

Digital skills will be integrated into different LLL (lifelong learning) educational programmes according to the age of the learners, perceptions, needs and other factors:

  • A developed high quality and comprehensive network of digital agents will support and encourage different groups of society to improve digital skills and the use of public digital services . 
  • Employers will be motivated and financially supported to develop the digital skills needed for their employees- in public and private sector
  • Public administration staff will be educated in the field of digital transformation and in the provision of digital services and advise to citizens and SMEs
  • The Digital Innovation Centre will provide services to SMEs’ and sectors where digital and related technologies are slow to learn, transfer knowledge between regions, provide thematic services, including artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cyber security and other advanced digital skills
  • State will provide support for training and retraining of professionals to work with new digital technologies and processes
  • High quality training programs will be provide at all levels of education, ensuring closer cooperation among Academia and Business sectors
  • Targeted activities will be organised to reach a higher proportion of women in the ICT sector with a view to reducing the shortage of specialists
  •  Innovative training and other support will be provided to teachers and trainers to improve their digital competences
  • Targeted digital skills programs will be provided for health care sector employees in order to manage e-health services and latest digital technologies
  • Awareness campaigns about importance of digital skills, technologies and services will be organized for different target groups with most appropriate outreach channels

The “Digital Transformation Guidelines 2021-2027 “sets the following KPI  for Latvia in digital skills area by 2027:

  • 70 % of citizens with at least basic digital skills
  • 45 % of citizens with above basic digital skills
  • 3% of ICT specialists among employed

Full text of "Digital transformation Guidelines for 2021-2027" is available in Latvian.

Other guidelines aligned with the ones on digital transformation in specific areas have also been developed, i.e. for the Development of Education 2021–2027 ("Future skills for the society of the future ") focusing on ICT education and skills.

Strategy Details

Target audience
Digital skills for the labour force.
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.
Digital skills in education.
Digital skills for all
Digital technology / specialisation
Geographic scope - Country
Target language
Geographical sphere
National initiative
 Public consultation March 2020-June 2021. Approval by Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia - 06.07.2021

Funding from national and European resources. The total amount allocated for Digital skills activities- 203 002  429 EUR

Stakeholder Involvement

The Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development has designed the strategy in close cooperation with stakeholders from the public and private sector as well as with the research & academic community and the civil society.  The main stakeholders involved and responsible of implementation of the activities in the area of digital skills are: Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, Ministry of Economics of Latvia, Ministry of Culture of Latvia, the Latvian State Employment Agency, Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association, Latvian Open Technology Association, Latvian Confederation of Employers, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, National Library of Latvia, Latvian IT Cluster.