Spain - Digital Spain Agenda 2026
The Digital Spain Agenda 2026 was adopted by the Spanish government in 2020. Aims to drive digital transformation, improving competitiveness, economic growth and the welfare of Spanish society in the coming years.
This agenda was conceived as one of the pillars of Spain's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as well as a vector of modernisation and prosperity in the medium term. The initiative operates in three fundamental dimensions:
- Infrastructure and technology, boosting connectivity, 5G, cybersecurity, AI and other disruptive technologies.
- Economy, driving digitalization of SMEs and public administrations, digital entrepreneurship, integration of technology in industrial value chains and in the audiovisual sector.
- People, promoting the acquisition of digital skills to secure the access to the jobs of the future and the digital inclusion of all citizens, and ensuring the protection of individual rights in the digital environment.
The main areas of action defined are:
- development of digital infrastructures;
- promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship;
- improvement of digital skills and training;
- digitization of public administration;
- improvement of cybersecurity.
The Digital Spain 2026 program includes various strategies and plans to achieve a more connected and digitized society.
Eight specific digital plans have been adopted:
- Digital Infrastructures and Connectivity Plan
- Strategy for the promotion of 5G Technology
- National Cybersecurity Plan
- National Artificial Intelligence Strategy
- Plan for the Digitalization of Spain’s Public Administration
- SME Digitalization Plan
- Spain Audiovisual Hub of Europe
- National Plan for Digital Skills
By 2026, one of the main challenges will be to strengthen the digital skills of both workers and the population in general, in order to reduce existing digital divides. The training in digital skills must be guaranteed.
Programmes and actions for the digital competencies development:
- Education System Digitalization Programme
- Improvement Programme of Educational Digital Skills
- Vocational Training Modernization Plan
- Qualification and requalification activities of the labour force
- Regions for training actions for digital citizenship
- Awards of grants to universities - UniDigital Plan
The Digital Spain Agenda offers Spanish society a guide to achieve digital transformation and adapt to the demands of the future.
Strategy Details
Budget of specific digital plans (million euros):
- Digital Infrastructures and Connectivity Plan - 1.960
- Strategy for the promotion of 5G Technology - 1.514
- National Cybersecurity Plan - 1.000
- National Artificial Intelligence Strategy - 600
- Plan for the Digitalization of Spain’s Public Administration - 3.165
- SME Digitalization Plan - 5.000
- Spain Audiovisual Hub of Europe - 1.600
- National Plan for Digital Skills - 3.593
Spanish government in cooperation with different economic, social and technological actors in the country.